Company Profile
You Long Petroleum Machinery Spares td.(YOU LONG PETRO) engages in the export of the petroleum equipment and materials and provides materials and eauioment for CNPC and SIOPEC’s overseas roiects. Established in 2003,YOU LONG PETRO has started the exoort business of petroleum materials and eaujoment since 2003,YOU LONG PETRO has provided its products and services to 36 countries and reaions across the globe.yOU LONG PETRO’s export performance has come out top in central enterprises in successive years and it has been acknowledged as China’s largest supplier of petroleum and petrochemical materials and e..
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You Long Petroleum Machinery Spares Ltd. (YOU LONG PETRO) engages in the export of the petroleum equipment and materials and provides materials and equipment for CNPC and SINOPEC's overseas projects.
Established in 2003.
You Long Petroleum Machinery Spares Ltd. has started the export business of petroleum mate.
YOU LONG PETRO strives to create a favorable working environment for the health, wel-being and improvement of its employees; to ensure no accidents and no hamn to peoole: to conduct the company's activites in a manner that, consistent with HSE aoals, is environmentaly resoonsible with the aspiration of "no damage to the environment", by..
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